• Why You Shouldn't Use a Q-Tip to Clean the Inside of Your Ear
    If you use a Q-tip to clean your ears you will really want to read this. Yes, we know that it feels satisfying to use a Q-Tip to clean out your Read more
  • Do I Have a Swallowing Disorder?
    Find out if the symptoms you are experiencing are warning you of a potential swallowing disorder. We all have been guilty of eating foods too fast or not chewing well enough Read more
  • Rhinoplasty: It's Not Just a Cosmetic Procedure
    While a nose job may seem purely cosmetic it actually offers health benefits, as well. When we hear the words “nose job” we automatically think about the cosmetic enhancement that many Read more
  • What Is an Anterior Nosebleed?
    Learn more about nosebleeds, why they happen and how you can handle them the next time they happen to you. It can be rather startling when you notice blood dripping from Read more
  • How to Treat my Ear Infection
    While they tend to be most common in young children, ear infections can affect people of all ages. An ear infection can result from a number of causes, and treatment Read more
  • What You Need to Know About Your Ear and Dizziness
    Dizziness can result from a number of external factors, ranging from dehydration and hunger to severe anxiety and panic attacks. The false sensation of dizziness, which makes it feel like Read more
  • FAQs about Tonsillitis
    An occasional sore throat from a bout with the flu, or an afternoon of enthusiastically cheering for a beloved team at a sporting event can happen to anyone. Small school-aged Read more
  • What Is Pet Dander and Does It Affect My Allergies?
    Dander is a common allergen made up of tiny flakes and particles of skin from common household pets like cats, dogs, birds and rodents. Dander is harmless to adults and Read more
  • FAQs about Head and Neck Cancer
    Cancers that are categorized as head and neck encompass the areas from the nasal passage and sinuses in the head, down to the opening of the esophagus at the base Read more
  • Signs You Might Need a Hearing Aid
    If you hear only mumbling when other people speak, need the television louder than others or strain to hear conversations, you may have hearing loss. Hearing loss is more common Read more
  • What Is Causing My Mouth Sores?
    Also known as canker sores and ulcers, mouth sores usually result from bite injuries or allergic reactions. They can also be a symptom of an underlying health condition. Unlike cold Read more
  • How to Avoid Sinus Infections
    Sinus infections are painful. You have sinuses around your eyes and behind your nose, any of which can harbor an infection. The first sign you may have a sinus infection Read more
  • When Should I Seek Help for My Allergies
    It’s never too early to seek help for your allergies. Allergies can affect your way of life, at all times of the year. During springtime, you may feel the effects Read more
  • What Can I Do about My Hearing Loss?
    If you think you might be losing your hearing, you’re not alone. In fact, according to the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) more than 30% of adults over 65 have Read more
  • FAQs About Sinusitis
    Everyone, at one time or another, has suffered from sinusitis. However, many people don’t know exactly what sinusitis is or how best to treat it; a lot of misinformation exists. Read more
  • Welcome to Our Blog!
    Are your allergies driving you crazy? Has sleeping become an arduous task? If your answer is ‘yes’ to one or both of these questions, or if you’re having other ear, Read more

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