Breast Augmentation: What To Know

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation can transform your appearance and make you feel comfortable in your body again. While breast augmentation can be a transformative procedure for many individuals, it's essential to understand the process, risks, and considerations involved before making a decision.

Understanding Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation involves the placement of breast implants to increase the size, improve the shape, or restore volume to the breasts. The procedure is commonly performed to address congenital defects, asymmetry, changes in breast size and shape after pregnancy or weight loss, or to enhance overall body proportions.

There are several types of breast implants available, each with its unique characteristics and benefits. The two primary types of breast implants are:

  • Saline implants: These implants are filled with sterile saltwater (saline) after insertion, allowing for adjustments in size during surgery. Saline implants are FDA-approved for breast augmentation in individuals 18 years of age and older.
  • Silicone implants: These implants are pre-filled with silicone gel, which closely resembles the feel of natural breast tissue. Silicone implants are FDA-approved for breast augmentation in individuals 22 years of age and older.

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, your plastic surgeon will conduct a comprehensive consultation to assess your candidacy for the procedure and discuss your goals and expectations. Your plastic surgeon may ask you to make some lifestyle changes to ensure that healing goes as planned and that there aren’t any complications.

It's essential to have realistic expectations about the results of breast augmentation and understand that individual outcomes may vary. While breast augmentation can enhance the size and shape of the breasts, it's important to prioritize your overall health and well-being above cosmetic goals.

Contact Our Plastic Surgeon Today

Make sure you understand what breast augmentation entails. Contact your plastic surgeon to learn more about breast augmentation and if it’s right for you.

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