The Benefits of a Face & Neck Lift

Your beautiful face is your trademark. As you age, your skin loses vital moisture and elasticity, which can cause your facial and neck tissue to sag. Sagging skin can make you look older than you are. A face and neck lift from your plastic surgeon can help you enjoy a younger-looking face.

How a Face and Neck Lift Can Help You

Your face and neck are two of the first characteristics people notice about you. When you have a pleasing appearance, people gravitate toward you. You will also feel better about yourself and enjoy a boost of self-confidence.

Consider that a face and neck lift can:

  • Smooth skin, minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases
  • Tighten the skin, to eliminate facial sagging, and help you look younger
  • Enhance the contours of your face, giving you a more sculpted look

A face and neck lift works to enhance the appearance of your face by tightening sagging skin on the face, jawline, and neck. During a face and neck lift, incisions are made at the hairline, and the skin on both sides of the face is pulled back. Your plastic surgeon may remove excess skin, giving you a smooth, younger look. A face and neck lift procedure takes about 3 to 4 hours and is often performed as an outpatient procedure, with no hospital stay.

After the face and neck lift, you will experience some swelling and bruising in the surgical area. Your plastic surgeon may prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medication for the first few days after surgery. Face and neck lift surgery requires about 2 weeks of downtime, and you should experience the full benefits of a face and neck lift after 6 months.

Want To Know More About the Benefits of a Face and Neck Lift?

To discover more about the benefits of a face and neck lift and how these procedures can enhance your appearance, talk with an expert. Call your plastic surgeon today.

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